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What is Surrogacy?

Surrogate mother is based on the principle of transferring the embryos obtained from the in vitro fertilization application of the patients who want to have a baby, using their own egg and sperm cells, to the uterus of another healthy and fertile woman. The future baby genetically carries the genetic structure of the parents. A surrogate mother is simply the person who carries and gives birth to the baby.

For whom can Surrogacy Applied to?

  • Women who are not born with a womb
  • For women who have had their womb removed due to compulsory surgery (tumor, fibroid, cancer, etc.)
  • For women who have repeatedly miscarried
  • For women whose uterus cannot bear the pregnancy
  • Ashermann syndrome (in women who are not suitable for carrying a pregnancy, even if they have a uterus)
  • In cases where there is a risk for the woman to become pregnant and give birth (women with serious heart and lung diseases, women with coagulation disorders that may pose a life risk). yaşamsal risk oluşturabilecek olan pıhtılaşma bozukluğuna sahip olan kadınlar) .
  • Those with a congenital anomaly
  • Women who do not want to give birth for social reasons

Who Can Be a Surrogate Mother?

  • Women who are young and healthy
  • Women without any contagious disease
  • Women without alcohol-smoking and drug-substance addiction
  • Women with previous healthy live births
  • Women without a history of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia in previous pregnancies
  • Women whose social life and psychological status are suitable for surrogacy
  • Women without a chronic disease (diabetes, hypertension, etc.)
  • Women who are not very thin or obese (Body Mass Index within normal standards)

How to Prepare a Surrogate Mother?


First of all, in order to evaluate whether the surrogate mother is ready for pregnancy, both gynecological, psychological and all routine blood tests are performed and evaluated by experts.

The treatment process starts on the 2nd or 3rd day of the surrogate mother’s menstrual bleeding. In this process, the uterus of the surrogate mother is made suitable for the embryos to be transferred with the necessary drugs. This preparation process takes 17-20 days under the supervision of a doctor. When the preparation of the uterus is completed, if there are embryos that have been previously processed and frozen, the procedure is performed with these embryos. If there is no frozen embryo, the couple’s IVF treatment and the surrogate mother’s uterine preparation are synchronized and the embryo transfer is made fresh.

Can a Familiar Person Be a Surrogate Mother?

There are women who are conscious, experienced and do surrogacy within the framework of a legal agreement. However, if this is not preferred, family members or persons to be determined by the couple as surrogate mothers can be carriers.

How is the Biological Family Prepared?

This process is the preparation stage of the embryos to be transferred to the surrogate mother. In the first stage, the family undergoes the necessary routine tests and examinations. Then, the egg preparation stage is started with in vitro fertilization treatment, which lasts for an average of 10-12 days.

After the preparation of the eggs is completed, the egg collection process is carried out. On the same day, it is fertilized in the laboratory with the sperm taken from the father-to-be and the embryos obtained are frozen and stored in order to be transferred to the surrogate mother at the appropriate time. Babies born by this method carry the genetics of their parents, that is, they are the biological parents of the baby. The baby does not receive any genes from the surrogate mother.

Lack of ovaries, poor egg quality, decrease in egg number, genetic problems etc. In some cases, the egg source may be an egg donor. In this process, the eggs obtained from the donor by the in vitro fertilization method are fertilized with the sperm of the father-to-be and the resulting embryos are frozen and stored in order to be transferred to the surrogate mother at the appropriate time.

Legal Actions and Procedures in Surrogacy

Before starting the proceedings, the “surrogate mother” is introduced to the family and a contract is made between them in the presence of a lawyer. Thanks to this contract, the surrogate mother cannot claim rights on the baby she will give birth to in the future.

After the surrogate mother becomes pregnant, all health screenings for 9 months are performed by us. The reports of all controls are shared with the family.

The legal parents of the baby born by the surrogate mother are the genetic parents. The official birth certificate is issued immediately after birth.
On the birth certificate, the name of the genetic mother as the mother and the name of the genetic father as the father are written.

Surrogacy Prices

Surrogacy is not a process that is suitable for every budget in terms of price. In this process, not only the surrogate mother and the clinic are paid, but also fees are paid for in vitro fertilization procedures, gender selection if desired, and egg donation if necessary. At this point, we can say that surrogacy requires a comprehensive plan. In addition, since surrogacy has a legal dimension in reliable clinics, there are attorney expenses.

We can say that the prices may become a little more expensive if pregnancy is created through donation in surrogacy. If couples also want to determine the gender of the baby that the surrogate will carry, they have to pay an additional fee. Apart from this, travel expenses and other additional expenses to Cyprus will be excluded from the surrogate mother prices. We provide our patients with package prices and reduce their financial concerns to the lowest level.

You can reach us from the communication section to learn the details of surrogacy and treatment.

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